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The Future of Water in the Rogue Valley

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Sunday, May 22, 2022 - 4:00pm to 5:30pm

The Jefferson Center Salon Series and the SOCAN Ashland Climate Action Project present a Zoom event with discussion on “The Future of Water in the Rogue Valley” May 22, 2022 at 4 pm.

The water we have enjoyed in the Rogue Valley—for drinking, agriculture, landscaping, and industry—is not guaranteed for the future. Various threats, from climate change to human behavior are emerging. This program will address: Where does Rogue Valley water come from? How is that water being used? What threats do we face?
Discussion will focus on what citizens and government agencies, especially local ones, can do to provide water in our area and distribute it fairly.

The program will feature Julie Smitherman and Cody Scoggins from Medford Water, with Joseph Graf from the Jefferson Center.

To join the Zoom event, please register in advance for this meeting at:

Julie Smitherman is a graduate of Southern Oregon University; Water Efficiency and Customer Service Manager at Medford Water; and former Water Conservation Specialist for the City of Ashland. Cody Scoggins is Water Efficiency Coordinator at Medford Water. Joseph Graf is a retired university professor and administrator who taught geology and environmental studies. He served on the Ashland Water Advisory Committee.

This event is part of the Salon series at The Jefferson Center. Co-hosts for this event are the SOCAN Ashland Climate Action Project, which works to ensure that climate action is a top priority in Ashland, and the Water Action Team of the Ashland Climate Collaborative, a hub for community collaboration on climate solutions.
See, and



Here are the links to view the salon on youtube:
Part 1 link:
Part 2 link:
Part I covers the general water situation and Part II covers ways to conseve and program available to help citizens conserve