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Hacking and computer security. Read today's research news on hacking and protecting against codebreakers. New software, secure data sharing, and more.
Updated: 7 hours 47 min ago

New sustainable method for creating organic semiconductors

Mon, 01/22/2024 - 3:28pm
Researchers have developed a new, more environmentally friendly way to create conductive inks for use in organic electronics such as solar cells, artificial neurons, and soft sensors. The findings pave the way for future sustainable technology.
Categories: Science

Scientists advance affordable, sustainable solution for flat-panel displays and wearable tech

Mon, 01/22/2024 - 11:45am
Scientists have developed 'supramolecular ink,' a new 3D-printable OLED (organic light-emitting diode) material made of inexpensive, Earth-abundant elements instead of costly scarce metals. The advance could enable more affordable and environmentally sustainable OLED flat-panel displays as well as 3D-printable wearable technologies and lighting.
Categories: Science

Researchers unveil new way to counter mobile phone 'account takeover' attacks

Mon, 01/22/2024 - 11:45am
Computer science researchers have developed a new way to identify security weaknesses that leave people vulnerable to account takeover attacks, where a hacker gains unauthorized access to online accounts.
Categories: Science

DNA origami folded into tiny motor

Fri, 01/19/2024 - 9:27am
Scientists have created a working nanoscale electomotor. The science team designed a turbine engineered from DNA that is powered by hydrodynamic flow inside a nanopore, a nanometer-sized hole in a membrane of solid-state silicon nitride. The tiny motor could help spark research into future applications such as building molecular factories or even medical probes of molecules inside the bloodstream.
Categories: Science

How does materialism in social media trigger stress and unhappiness?

Fri, 01/19/2024 - 9:27am
Clothes, cars, travel, followers: People with a materialistic mindset always want more and, above all, more than others. Social media provides them with ideal opportunities to compare themselves with others, which makes them susceptible to passive and addictive user behavior. This stresses them out and, ultimately, leads to low life satisfaction. This downward spiral, which turns materialists into less happy people, was identified in an online survey of over 1,200 participants.
Categories: Science

AI can boost service for vulnerable customers

Thu, 01/18/2024 - 12:07pm
Artificial intelligence has become the Swiss Army knife of the business world, a universal tool for increasing sales, optimizing efficiency, and interacting with customers. But new research explores another purpose for AI in business: to contribute to the social good. It can do so by helping businesses better serve vulnerable consumers: anyone in the marketplace who experiences limited access to and control of resources.
Categories: Science

Towards the quantum of sound

Thu, 01/18/2024 - 12:07pm
A team of scientists has succeeded in cooling traveling sound waves in wave-guides considerably further than has previously been possible using laser light. This achievement represents a significant move towards the ultimate goal of reaching the quantum ground state of sound in wave-guides. Unwanted noise generated by the acoustic waves at room temperature can be eliminated. This experimental approach both provides a deeper understanding of the transition from classical to quantum phenomena of sound and is relevant to quantum communication systems and future quantum technologies.
Categories: Science

Self-powered sensor automatically harvests magnetic energy

Thu, 01/18/2024 - 12:07pm
Researchers have designed a self-powering, battery-free, energy-harvesting sensor. Using the framework they developed, they produced a temperature sensor that can harvest and store the energy from the magnetic field that exists in the open air around a wire.
Categories: Science

Researchers create faster and cheaper way to print tiny metal structures with light

Thu, 01/18/2024 - 12:07pm
Researchers have developed a light-based means of printing nano-sized metal structures that is 480 times faster and 35 times cheaper than the current conventional method. It is a scalable solution that could transform a scientific field long reliant on technologies that are prohibitively expensive and slow. Their method is called superluminescent light projection (SLP).
Categories: Science

New York City virus database may advance research into factors contributing to respiratory illness severity

Thu, 01/18/2024 - 12:07pm
Viral respiratory infections are a significant public health concern. A study used longitudinal cohort data to create an interactive, publicly-available website, The Virome of Manhattan Project: Virome Data Explorer to visualize cohort characteristics, infection events, and illness severity factors.
Categories: Science

Mini-robots modeled on insects may be smallest, lightest, fastest ever developed

Thu, 01/18/2024 - 9:22am
Two insect-like robots, a mini-bug and a water strider may be the smallest, lightest and fastest fully functional micro-robots ever known to be created. Such miniature robots could someday be used for work in areas such as artificial pollination, search and rescue, environmental monitoring, micro-fabrication or robotic-assisted surgery. Reporting on their work in the proceedings of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society's International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, the mini-bug weighs in at eight milligrams while the water strider weighs 55 milligrams. Both can move at about six millimeters a second.
Categories: Science

Machine learning method speeds up discovery of green energy materials

Thu, 01/18/2024 - 9:22am
Researchers have developed a framework that uses machine learning to accelerate the search for new proton-conducting materials, that could potentially improve the efficiency of hydrogen fuel cells.
Categories: Science

Unlocking the secrets of quasicrystal magnetism: Revealing a novel magnetic phase diagram

Thu, 01/18/2024 - 9:21am
Non-Heisenberg-type approximant crystals have many interesting properties and are intriguing for researchers of condensed matter physics. However, their magnetic phase diagrams, which are crucial for realizing their potential, remain completely unknown. Now, a team of researchers has constructed the magnetic phase diagram of a non-Heisenberg Tsai-type 1/1 gold-gallium-terbium approximant crystal. This development marks a significant step forward for quasicrystal research and for the realization of magnetic refrigerators and spintronic devices.
Categories: Science

AI harnesses tumor genetics to predict treatment response

Thu, 01/18/2024 - 9:21am
Cancer resists treatment in a multitude of ways, but a new algorithm developed can decode them all simultaneously.
Categories: Science

Online reviews: Filter the fraud, but don't tell us how

Thu, 01/18/2024 - 9:21am
When you try a new restaurant or book a hotel, do you consider the online reviews? Do you submit online reviews yourself? Do you pay attention if they are filtered and moderated? Does that impact your own online review submissions?
Categories: Science

Study identifies new findings on implant positioning and stability during robotic-assisted knee revision surgery

Wed, 01/17/2024 - 3:37pm
An innovative study explores the use of robotic-assisted joint replacement in revision knee scenarios, comparing the pre- and post-revision implant positions in a series of revision total knee arthroplasties (TKA) using a state-of-the-art robotic arm system.
Categories: Science

Chemists create a 2D heavy fermion

Wed, 01/17/2024 - 11:39am
Researchers have synthesized the first 2D heavy fermion. The material, a layered intermetallic crystal composed of cerium, silicon, and iodine (CeSiI), has electrons that are 1000x heavier and is a new platform to explore quantum phenomena.
Categories: Science

Higher measurement accuracy opens new window to the quantum world

Wed, 01/17/2024 - 11:39am
A team has developed a new measurement method that, for the first time, accurately detects tiny temperature differences in the range of 100 microkelvin in the thermal Hall effect. Previously, these temperature differences could not be measured quantitatively due to thermal noise. Using the well-known terbium titanate as an example, the team demonstrated that the method delivers highly reliable results. The thermal Hall effect provides information about coherent multi-particle states in quantum materials, based on their interaction with lattice vibrations (phonons).
Categories: Science

Ultrafast laser pulses could lessen data storage energy needs

Wed, 01/17/2024 - 11:38am
A discovery from an experiment with magnetic materials and ultrafast lasers could be a boon to energy-efficient data storage.
Categories: Science

Tiny AI-based bio-loggers revealing the interesting bits of a bird's day

Wed, 01/17/2024 - 11:38am
Researchers have developed a bio-logger for seabirds that enables long-term observation of rare behaviors. The bio-logger employs low-power depth sensors and accelerometers to identify rare behavior using a light-weight outlier detection model and records the behavior in a 5-min video. Observations using the bio-loggers on Streaked Shearwaters revealed novel aspects of head-shaking and foraging strategies. This approach will enable a wider range of animal behaviors in various environments to be observed.
Categories: Science
