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Hacking and computer security. Read today's research news on hacking and protecting against codebreakers. New software, secure data sharing, and more.
Updated: 8 hours 39 min ago

New method flips the script on topological physics

Thu, 01/25/2024 - 11:59am
The branch of mathematics known as topology has become a cornerstone of modern physics thanks to the remarkable -- and above all reliable -- properties it can impart to a material or system. Unfortunately, identifying topological systems, or even designing new ones, is generally a tedious process that requires exactly matching the physical system to a mathematical model. Researchers have demonstrated a model-free method for identifying topology, enabling the discovery of new topological materials using a purely experimental approach.
Categories: Science

Shining a light on the hidden properties of quantum materials

Wed, 01/24/2024 - 1:46pm
Certain materials have desirable properties that are hidden and scientists can use light to uncover these properties. Researchers have used an advanced optical technique, based on terahertz time-domain spectroscopy, to learn more about a quantum material called Ta2NiSe5 (TNS).
Categories: Science

Computer scientists invent simple method to speed cache sifting

Wed, 01/24/2024 - 10:29am
Computer scientists have invented a highly effective, yet incredibly simple, algorithm to decide which items to toss from a web cache to make room for new ones.
Categories: Science

Researchers add a 'twist' to classical material design

Wed, 01/24/2024 - 10:29am
Researchers grew a twisted multilayer crystal structure for the first time and measured the structure's key properties. The twisted structure could help researchers develop next-generation materials for solar cells, quantum computers, lasers and other devices.
Categories: Science

The complexity of forests cannot be explained by simple mathematical rules, study finds

Wed, 01/24/2024 - 10:28am
The way trees grow together do not resemble how branches grow on a single tree, scientists have discovered.
Categories: Science

Misinformation and irresponsible AI -- experts forecast how technology may shape our near future

Wed, 01/24/2024 - 10:28am
From misinformation and invisible cyber attacks, to irresponsible AI that could cause events involving multiple deaths, expert futurists have forecast how rapid technology changes may shape our world by 2040.
Categories: Science

What coffee with cream can teach us about quantum physics

Wed, 01/24/2024 - 10:28am
A new advancement in theoretical physics could, one day, help engineers develop new kinds of computer chips that might store information for longer in very small objects.
Categories: Science

Offshore wind farms are vulnerable to cyberattacks

Wed, 01/24/2024 - 10:27am
Researchers have presented a new study on cyberattack risks to offshore wind farms in Glasgow, United Kingdom. They looked specifically at wind farms that use voltage-source-converter high-voltage direct-current (VSC-HVDC) connections, which are rapidly becoming the most cost-effective solution to harvest offshore wind energy around the world. They found that their complex, hybrid-communication architecture presents multiple access points for cyberattacks.
Categories: Science

When lab-trained AI meets the real world, 'mistakes can happen'

Tue, 01/23/2024 - 2:54pm
Human pathologists are extensively trained to detect when tissue samples from one patient mistakenly end up on another patient's microscope slides (a problem known as tissue contamination). But such contamination can easily confuse artificial intelligence (AI) models, which are often trained in pristine, simulated environments, reports a new study. Each of the four AI models in the study paid too much attention to the tissue contamination, which resulted in errors when diagnosing or detecting vessel damage, gestational age, lesions and prostate cancer, the study found.
Categories: Science

Artificial intelligence and immunity

Tue, 01/23/2024 - 2:54pm
Researchers have published a strategy for identifying new targets for immunotherapy through artificial intelligence (AI).
Categories: Science

AI surveillance tool successfully helps to predict sepsis, saves lives

Tue, 01/23/2024 - 9:23am
Researchers find that utilizing a unique AI algorithm that monitors several patient variables, like vital signs and lab results, can detect sepsis before symptom onset.
Categories: Science

Health researchers develop software to predict diseases

Tue, 01/23/2024 - 9:23am
IntelliGenes analyzes genomic data to discover biomarkers associated with health traits.
Categories: Science

Research team breaks down musical instincts with AI

Tue, 01/23/2024 - 9:22am
A research team announced they have identified the principle by which musical instincts emerge from the human brain without special learning using an artificial neural network model.
Categories: Science

Researchers propose a web 3.0 streaming architecture and marketplace

Tue, 01/23/2024 - 9:21am
Web 3.0 is a blockchain technology-based internet paradigm that is transparent and decentralized. But, Web 3.0 streaming services require modifications to the existing service structure due to certain technical issues. Now, researchers propose 'Retriever,' an Inter-Planetary File System (IPFS) based Web 3.0 technology and non-fungible token marketplace. The proposed marketplace reduces service delay and improves user experience by deploying their own IPFS nodes and controlling the blockchain.
Categories: Science

New research guides mathematical model-building for gene regulatory networks

Tue, 01/23/2024 - 9:21am
A newly published study provides guidance for building accurate mathematical models for gene regulatory networks.
Categories: Science

Manipulated hafnia paves the way for next-gen memory devices

Mon, 01/22/2024 - 3:28pm
A new study outlines progress toward making bulk ferroelectric and antiferroelectric hafnia available for use in a variety of applications, including high-performance computing.
Categories: Science

New sustainable method for creating organic semiconductors

Mon, 01/22/2024 - 3:28pm
Researchers have developed a new, more environmentally friendly way to create conductive inks for use in organic electronics such as solar cells, artificial neurons, and soft sensors. The findings pave the way for future sustainable technology.
Categories: Science

Scientists advance affordable, sustainable solution for flat-panel displays and wearable tech

Mon, 01/22/2024 - 11:45am
Scientists have developed 'supramolecular ink,' a new 3D-printable OLED (organic light-emitting diode) material made of inexpensive, Earth-abundant elements instead of costly scarce metals. The advance could enable more affordable and environmentally sustainable OLED flat-panel displays as well as 3D-printable wearable technologies and lighting.
Categories: Science

Researchers unveil new way to counter mobile phone 'account takeover' attacks

Mon, 01/22/2024 - 11:45am
Computer science researchers have developed a new way to identify security weaknesses that leave people vulnerable to account takeover attacks, where a hacker gains unauthorized access to online accounts.
Categories: Science

DNA origami folded into tiny motor

Fri, 01/19/2024 - 9:27am
Scientists have created a working nanoscale electomotor. The science team designed a turbine engineered from DNA that is powered by hydrodynamic flow inside a nanopore, a nanometer-sized hole in a membrane of solid-state silicon nitride. The tiny motor could help spark research into future applications such as building molecular factories or even medical probes of molecules inside the bloodstream.
Categories: Science
