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Updated: 1 hour 27 min ago

Giant volcano discovered on Mars

Wed, 03/13/2024 - 10:56am
A deeply eroded giant volcano, active from ancient through recent times and with possible remnants of glacier ice near its base, had been hiding near Mars' equator in plain sight. Its discovery points to an exciting new place to search for life, and a potential destination for future robotic and human exploration.
Categories: Science

Satellites for quantum communications

Wed, 03/13/2024 - 10:54am
Through steady advances in the development of quantum computers and their ever-improving performance, it will be possible in the future to crack our current encryption processes. To address this challenge, researchers are developing encryption methods that will apply physical laws to prevent the interception of messages. To safeguard communications over long distances, the QUICK space mission will deploy satellites.
Categories: Science

Study brings scientists a step closer to successfully growing plants in space

Wed, 03/13/2024 - 10:53am
New, highly stretchable sensors can monitor and transmit plant growth information without human intervention. The polymer sensors are resilient to humidity and temperature, can stretch over 400% while remaining attached to a plant as it grows and send a wireless signal to a remote monitoring location, said a chemical and biomolecular engineering professor.
Categories: Science

Scientists propose new theory that explains sand ripples on Mars and on Earth

Tue, 03/12/2024 - 10:38am
Sand ripples are symmetrical. Yet wind -- which causes them -- is very much not. Furthermore, sand ripples can be found on Mars and on Earth. They would be even more fascinating if the same effect found on Mars could be found here on Earth as well. What if one unified theory could explain their formation on both planets?
Categories: Science

Ultrablack coating could make next-gen telescopes even better

Tue, 03/12/2024 - 10:37am
For telescopes operating in the vacuum of space, or optical equipment in extreme environments, existing coatings are often insufficient. Researchers have turned to atomic layer deposition and developed an ultrablack thin-film coating for aerospace-grade magnesium alloys. The team used alternating layers of aluminum-doped titanium carbide and silicon nitride and together the materials prevent nearly all light from reflecting off the coated surface. The coating absorbs 99.3% of light while being durable enough to survive in harsh conditions.
Categories: Science

Giving particle detectors a boost

Mon, 03/11/2024 - 2:30pm
Researchers have tested the performance of a new device that boosts particle signals.
Categories: Science

Peering into the tendrils of NGC 604 with NASA's Webb

Mon, 03/11/2024 - 11:59am
The formation of stars and the chaotic environments they inhabit is one of the most well-studied, but also mystery-shrouded, areas of cosmic investigation. The intricacies of these processes are now being unveiled like never before by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope.
Categories: Science

Nasa’s Webb, Hubble telescopes affirm universe’s expansion rate, puzzle persists

Mon, 03/11/2024 - 11:58am
When you are trying to solve one of the biggest conundrums in cosmology, you should triple check your homework. The puzzle, called the 'Hubble Tension,' is that the current rate of the expansion of the universe is faster than what astronomers expect it to be, based on the universe's initial conditions and our present understanding of the universe's evolution.
Categories: Science

Pushing the boundary on ultralow frequency gravitational waves

Fri, 03/08/2024 - 11:27am
A team of physicists has developed a method to detect gravity waves with such low frequencies that they could unlock the secrets behind the early phases of mergers between supermassive black holes, the heaviest objects in the universe.
Categories: Science

CSI in space: Analyzing bloodstain patterns in microgravity

Fri, 03/08/2024 - 9:29am
As more people seek to go where no man has gone before, researchers are exploring how forensic science can be adapted to extraterrestrial environments. A new study highlights the behavior of blood in microgravity and the unique challenges of bloodstain pattern analysis aboard spacecraft.
Categories: Science

Interstellar signal linked to aliens was actually just a truck

Thu, 03/07/2024 - 1:51pm
Sound waves thought to be from a 2014 meteor fireball north of Papua New Guinea were almost certainly vibrations from a truck rumbling along a nearby road, new research shows. The findings raise doubts that materials pulled last year from the ocean are alien materials from that meteor, as was widely reported.
Categories: Science

Baby quasars: Growing supermassive black holes

Thu, 03/07/2024 - 8:07am
The James Webb Space Telescope makes one of the most unexpected findings within its first year of service: A high number of faint little red dots in the distant Universe could change the way we understand the genesis of supermassive black holes.
Categories: Science

Finding new physics in debris from colliding neutron stars

Wed, 03/06/2024 - 12:06pm
Neutron star mergers are a treasure trove for new physics signals, with implications for determining the true nature of dark matter, according to physicists.
Categories: Science

Astronomers spot oldest 'dead' galaxy yet observed

Wed, 03/06/2024 - 12:06pm
A galaxy that suddenly stopped forming new stars more than 13 billion years ago has been observed by astronomers. Using the James Webb Space Telescope, astronomers have spotted a 'dead' galaxy when the universe was just 700 million years old, the oldest such galaxy ever observed.
Categories: Science

Discovery tests theory on cooling of white dwarf stars

Wed, 03/06/2024 - 12:05pm
Open any astronomy textbook to the section on white dwarf stars and you'll likely learn that they are 'dead stars' that continuously cool down over time. Astronomers are challenging this theory after discovering a population of white dwarf stars that stopped cooling for more than eight billion years.
Categories: Science

Space tourism? Cosmic radiation exposure

Tue, 03/05/2024 - 10:43am
Space weather experts are urging regulators and space tourism innovators to work together to protect their passengers and crews from the risks of space weather radiation exposure.
Categories: Science

Groundbreaking survey reveals secrets of planet birth around dozens of stars

Tue, 03/05/2024 - 10:42am
A team of astronomers has shed new light on the fascinating and complex process of planet formation. The research brings together observations of more than 80 young stars that might have planets forming around them, providing astronomers with a wealth of data and unique insights into how planets arise in different regions of our galaxy.
Categories: Science

What makes black holes grow and new stars form? Machine learning helps solve the mystery

Tue, 03/05/2024 - 10:42am
It takes more than a galaxy merger to make a black hole grow and new stars form: machine learning shows cold gas is needed too to initiate rapid growth -- new research finds.
Categories: Science

Juno spacecraft measures oxygen production on Jupiter's moon, Europa

Tue, 03/05/2024 - 10:42am
NASA's Juno spacecraft has directly measured charged oxygen and hydrogen molecules from the atmosphere of one of Jupiter's largest moons, Europa. These observations provide key constraints on the potential oxygenation of its subsurface ocean.
Categories: Science

JWST captures the end of planet formation

Mon, 03/04/2024 - 4:55pm
The James Webb Space Telescope is helping scientists uncover how planets form by advancing understanding of their birthplaces and the circumstellar disks surrounding young stars. Scientists have imaged winds from an old planet-forming disk (still very young relative to the Sun) which is actively dispersing its gas content. Knowing when the gas disperses is important as it constrains the time left for nascent planets to consume the gas from their surroundings.
Categories: Science
